Friday, July 30, 2010

Dear old grandfather (before and after)

  • This project is called the dear old grandfather project.
  • This is a before and after picture retouched and colored.
  • This was a test to see if we could clone out the crease, filter scratches, and color it.
  • Adobe photoshop was the only program that was used in this project.
  • To make this picture:
  • Increase canvas size and duplicate copy of photo.
  • Filter out dust and scratches.
  • Repair major crease along the middle.
  • Use quick layer brush to change color on picture.
  • I thought that I could of picked better colors because I believe that my picture looks very fake.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

family photo (after and before)

  • Family retouch project
  • Attempting to restore an old family photo without tape marks, creases. or dust and scratches.
  • An after and before photo of a family.
  • Adobe Photo was used in this project.
  • To make this project:
  • Increase canvas width and make copy of photo on to it.
  • Use cloning tool to remove tape on top and bottom of page.
  • Make a snapshot of after photo.
  • Filter out all dust and scratches.
  • Repair all creases on photo.
  • Finally, sharpen photo using unsharpened mask.
  • What did not work out in this project was that don't like the job I did repairing the creases on the photo.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Flawless face (before and after)

  • This is the flawless face project.
  • Test to show how to retouch a girl's face to make look absolutely flawless.
  • This is a before and after photo of a girl retouched.
  • Adobe photoshop was used to make this photo.
  • To make this picture:
  • Select and save the white background into a new selection.
  • Create new layer and name it HEAL.
  • Use brush to clean face and flatten layers.
  • Duplicate layer and rename as BLUR.
  • Filter blur and adjust to Gaussian
  • Set opacity on face and customize eyes and lips to your liking.
  • I thought that I had done everything right because this project was according to what I thought was perfect.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

marbled paper book

  • Marbled paper book
  • Project of constructing paper book with marbled sheet cover
  • No programs used
  • To make this:
  • Make marble paper by painting on regular sheet of paper.
  • Wait till dry before putting it together.
  • Measure and cut paper to fit appropriate size.
  • Glue marbled paper to regular paper to fit like book.
  • Screw holes into book to finish putting it together.
  • I liked the design I made on the cover but I thought that I could of done a better job putting it together

zoo post card

  • This is the zoo post card project
  • A test of understanding how to resize photos and change resolution
  • This is a post to promote the L.A zoo.
  • Adobe photoshop was used in the project.
  • To make this picture:
  • Create the picture.
  • Resize all photos and resolution into specific areas on the page.
  • Copy on text to page.
  • I liked the colors that I used but I think that I could of done better with the border that I made.

travel agency

  • This project is called the travel agency project.
  • Using canvas size and brush to create a travel agency ad
  • Picture with different pictures photoshoped into it
  • To make picture:
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Increase canvas size
  • add additional pictures in
  • brush in photos
  • add text
  • Fairly simple project though I thought that I could of done better with the pictures that I have chosen

monster indesign

  • This is called the monster indesign project.
  • This is a ad promoting a new exhibit opening at a museum.
  • The picture was a test to show how to place in certain pictures and and text boxes o resemble a real ad.
  • Adobe photoshop was the program used in this ad.
  • To make this picture:
  • Load up the file titled monster indesign.
  • Place photo of monster into boxes.
  • Design text boxes to be creative.
  • I thought that I did a perfect job on this project because we had to follow a model.